Validate a Payment Detail
This endpoint can determine whether the provided payment detail will pass regex checks.
NB: It does not guarantee it will be accepted by our payment partners. Nor does it guarantee it will be the recipients intended account.
Example Request
Endpoint Information
Validate Payment Detail Parameters
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
user_id* | UUID | ID of the User which the Payment Detail belongs to. |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
account_name | String | A name to identify the bank account, e.g. 'Chris's Revolut'. |
account_number | String | The account number of the bank account. See here what currencies require it. |
currency | String | The currency that the bank account accepts. E.g. 'usd', 'eur'. |
address_line1 | String | The first line of the address of the person or organisation that controls the bank account. |
address_line2 | String | The second line of the address of the person or organisation that controls the bank account. |
city | String | The city where the person or organisation that controls the bank account is located. |
state | String | The state/district where the person or organisation that controls the bank account is located. |
postal_code | String | The postal/zip code where the person or organisation that controls the bank account is located. |
country | String | The country where the person or organisation that controls the bank account is located. Given in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
beneficiary_type | String |
routing_number | String | The ACH routing number of the bank account. See here what currencies require it. |
bank_name | String | The name of the bank associated with the account. e.g. 'Revolut' |
sort_code | String | The sort code of the bank account. See here what currencies require it. |
iban | String | The IBAN of the bank account. See here what currencies require it. |
swift_bic | String | The swift/bic of the bank account. See here what currencies require it. |
document_number | String | The recipient's CUIT (tax number). See here what currencies require it. |
account_type | String |
rib_number | String | The recipient's Relevé d'Identité Bancaire number. See here what currencies require it. |
purpose_of_transfer | String | Explanation of what the purpose of the transfer is. See here what currencies require it. |
purpose_of_payment_code | String | Code describing the purpose of the payment. See here what currencies require it. |
bsb_number | String | The recipient's BSB number. See here what currencies require it. |
rails | String | If the account is on the SWIFT network, put the value of this attribute to |