
Get the transfer details to send fiat and receive crypto.

When making your bank transfer, transfer the amount of fiat specified in deposit_amount, NOTdestination_amount,to cover fees.

Please be careful with specifying the destination_address. Pay.so cannot be held liable for funds sent to an incorrect or inaccessible deposit address.

Example Request

curl https://{{base_url}}/users/USER_ID/onramps \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "onramp": {
      "destination_amount": 1000,
      "crypto_currency": "usdc",
      "crypto_rails": "polygon",
      "destination_address": "0x709c56AfDAdBDCAB4f7a6aAe99644C91C3eF67eF",
      "fiat_currency": "usd",
      "fiat_rails": "ach_push"

Endpoint Information

Create Onramp

POST https://{{base_url}}/users/:user_id/onramp

Path Parameters

Request Body

   "onramp": {
     id: "074cb3e4-1f56-4916-8024-ecbf6f805b90",
     user_id: "a25a4274-8f50-4579-b476-8f35b297d4ad",
     status: "initiated",
     crypto_currency: "usdc",
     crypto_rails: "polygon",
     destination_amount: 1000,
     fee: 4,
     destination_address: "0x709c56AfDAdBDCAB4f7a6aAe99644C91C3eF67eF",
     fiat_currency: "usd",
     fiat_rails: "ach_push",
     deposit_amount: 1004,
     deposit_instructions: {
       bank_account_number: "123456789",
       bank_name: "Bank of America",
       bank_address: "123 Bank St, California, CA 99999",
       bank_beneficiary_name: "Provider, Inc",
       bank_routing_number: "123123123",
       deposit_message: "BV123456789"

Last updated