Below is a list of errors that can be returned in response to one of your calls.
The response will be formatted as follows:
Error Code | Status | Meaning | Location |
unauthorized | 401 | Your API key couldn't be read or wasn't valid | API-wide |
unknown_format | 400 | Your request was not specifying JSON as a response type | API-wide |
unknown_http_method | 400 | Your request was not specifying a known HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) | API-wide |
parameter_missing | 400 | Your request was missing a required parameter | API-wide |
bad_request | 422 | Your request was formatted in a way that could not be handled | API-wide |
record_not_found | 404 | A specified record does not seem to exist | API-wide |
record_not_unique | 422 | A record you are trying to create already seems to exist | API-wide |
record_invalid | 422 | A record you are trying to create or update has some attributes that do not satisfy validation criteria | API-wide |
value_too_long | 422 | A record you are trying to create or update has some attributes that are too long | API-wide |
no_kyb_match_found | 404 | No KYB record with a matching company number was found | Users#Sync_kyb |
not_yet_passed_kyc_kyb | 422 | User has not yet passed KYC/KYB. | PaymentDetails#Create |
not_approved_for_payout_rail | 422 | User is trying to create a PaymentDetail for a currency they have not been approved for. | PaymentDetails#Create |
quote_already_executed | 422 | Quote has already been executed | Quotes#Execute |
no_offramps_present | 422 | No Offramps have been created for the Quote | Quotes#Execute |
sum_mismatch | 422 | The value of the Offramps do not match up with the value of the Quote | Quotes#Execute |
payment_detail_not_approved | 422 | One or more Payment Details are not cleared for use. | Quotes#Execute |
currency_mismatch | 422 | Destination currency of one or more Offramps is not the same as it's Quote | Quotes#Execute |
below_currency_limit | 422 | The specified amount is below the minimum threshold for the requested payout currency | Quotes#Create, Offramps#Create |
invalid_kyc_status_param | 422 | The status you provided is not supported | Sandbox::Kyc#Update |
Last updated